Customer Service At Its Finest

Friday, 28 September 2007 | Labels: | |

A couple of weeks ago, I ate lunch at Quiznos Sub's. The server smiled and eagerly asked if I wanted white or whole wheat bread. I chose whole wheat bread. The smile was warm and genuine. Then a random train of thought went by... leading me to remember this:

Once long ago, I worked at a movie theater. At the concession booth, I toiled away at serving popcorn "layered" with margarine (layered refers to half filling the bag with popcorn, applying margarine and then filling the rest with popcorn and adding more margarine), "up-selling" extra large pop (double the size for 50 cents more), nachos with jalapeƱo, cheese and salsa, and extra expensive hot dogs to movie goers.

The fun times were when we goofed around and ate the day's left over hot dogs dipped in the day's left over nacho cheese sauce (otherwise they throw it all away!). When it wasn't busy, we tried to look busy and needlessly cleaned things. I also remember when the manager yelling at us for not popping popcorn during the pre-movie rush. He wanted the buttery smell in the air.

Anyways, there was one time when I was serving and the manager came up to me afterwards. He said, "a customer approached me just now and said that they had the best customer service experience ever because of you." I smiled, thinking "wha? who?". After the flabbergastation wore off, I felt quite smug and accomplished. I mean who gets such a satisfied experience out of being served popcorn layered with Becel and Coke!?

And this was the meager satisfaction I could get out of a minimum wage paying job. Those were fun times.


  1. Anonymous says:

    haha, during MY popcorn days, I would always be at the bottom of the "successful employees" list because I just refused to ask people to upgrade or to put butter on their popcorn. I wouldn't do it out of principle!

  2. Reformed Jerk says:

    When my friend used to work at Office Depor he tried to upsell by asking a customer who came in looking for paper if he wanted a printer to go with that. I think he doesn't work there anymore.

  3. Debsty says:

    Your good work puts me to shame...when i worked for a sandwich stand at a sport event eons ago, i got a warning cuz i threatened a customer's swiss cheese sandwich with a knife

  4. Anonymous says:

    You guys & gals are so funny with your comments. Yeah, I remember working in customer service .. I hated it.